Sunday, June 8, 2014

Why I'm Reading TEAM OF RIVALS

Hello. This is Simon. You may be wondering why in the world a boy this young is reading a book that is so overwhelmingly difficult that very few adults would dare think about reading because it's so hard. Well, wonder no more.

I started reading this extremely large book because I wanted to.

"WHAT?!? A thirteen year old boy chose to read an extremely long book?!? This is really unusual," you may say. Well, it's true. I wasn't forced to read Team of Rivals by a language arts teacher to read it for summer reading (my L.A. teacher isn't that mean), or some school-related reason like that. I just wanted to. And to tell you the truth, it is interesting, no matter how long and difficult it may be.

Well, I guess that's all. You've heard the interesting back story. Now it's time to get on with the interesting part: the summary of the book. Why would we need a summary of the book, you may ask. Well, for two main reasons.

Reason 1) For proof that I actually read the book, and not just quickly flipped through the pages quickly and said I read it.
Reason 2) This blog really would only be one post long. And it would be extremely boring.

So, keep reading and hopefully you will be interested in it. otherwise this blog will be long. And boring. But if you have to summarize Team of Rivals for a class you're in and you stumbled upon this, a huge summary of Team of Rivals, it doesn't matter if it's interesting or not. You just have to get it done*. So get reading!

You may just have gone into a minor coma because of the fact that a thirteen year old was reading Team of Rivals. Don't blame me for putting people into comas with my impressive reading skills. And no matter how nicely you ask, I won't pay your medical bills.

*If you really are using this for a project in school, be sure to say I helped, or else I will stop posting on this blog, and all of my loyal followers will leave. And I don't think you can deal with being that guy.

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