Sunday, July 6, 2014

Summary of Chapter Eight of TEAM OF RIVALS

In May 1860, 40,000 visitors flocked to Chicago, most of them for the same reason. To see the new president being elected.

On Wednesday, May 16,  people started swarming around the new Convention Hall. At noon, the New Yorkian (somebody from New York) made the opening address, which announced the starting of the presidential election thing.

The first two days "credential battles were settled, and an inclusive platform, keyed to Northern interests, was enthusiastically adopted."

When voting began, Seward and Lincoln were in the lead by a lot. Out of the total of 233 votes, Seward had 173.5 votes, Lincoln had 102, Chase had 49 and in last place, Bates with 48 at the end of the first ballot.

At the end of the second ballot, Lincoln got 17 more votes, Delaware switched six votes from Bates to Lincoln, and Pennsylvania gave 44 votes to Lincoln as well. Lincoln's total was 181, now only 3.5 votes behind Seward.

During the third ballot, Lincoln got 4 more votes from Massachusetts, 4 from Pennsylvania, and 15 from Ohio. His total was 231.5- only 1.5 votes shy of winning.

In roughly ten seconds, David D Carter stood up and announced that he would  switch four votes from Bates to Lincoln, which caused Lincoln to win by 2.5 points. All of the Lincoln supporters stood, threw their hats in the air and cheered, whereas Seward supporters cried.

People said that in the end it was political smarts, not luck that caused Lincoln to win and become president.


  1. No! Why would I kill somebody with my absolutely brilliant writing? Why? WHY? WHY?!?

